Unveiling the Fun Side of Benefits: Off-Beat Offerings in 2023

Unveiling the Fun Side of Benefits: Off-Beat Offerings in 2023

  September 12, 2023

SEB Marketing Team

More and more companies are realising that remote work is here to stay and with it comes a wave of creative and downright entertaining benefits that scream “We care about you!”

While not every company can buy a private island for its employees like Mon Technician did, the year 2023 has seen a revolution in how companies can attract and retain employees, combat burnout, and prioritize employee health. Here are some of the most off-beat and interesting benefits offerings we came across.

The Office Day Care: Life after the pandemic means flexibility in all aspects. That’s why in 2023, forward-thinking companies are introducing on-site office day care facilities. Imagine dropping off your kids just steps from your workplace, knowing they’re in safe hands. It’s the ultimate peace of mind for working parents.

Sabbatical Surprise: Typically, sabbaticals are for employees to take a break from work. But what if we told you some companies are flipping the script? In 2023, we’ve seen employers offering paid sabbaticals to employees who use their time off to work on a personal project or passion project. Whether it’s writing a novel, launching a side hustle, or mastering a new skill, this company’s got their employees’ back.

Lunch on the House: Lunch hour just got a whole lot more interesting. In 2023, companies are offering to buy lunch and snacks for their employees. Companies are looking to make the little things in life more affordable and healthier. The bill is on the boss.  

Adventure Weekends: Weekends are for adventures, right? Companies in 2023 think so too. They’re organizing all-expenses-paid adventure weekends for their employees. Picture yourself kayaking down rivers, camping under the stars, or exploring hidden caves. It’s not just a job; it’s an adventure!

Concierge Service: Feeling overwhelmed with your to-do list? Some companies are bringing in concierges and cleaners to handle personal errands. Need dry cleaning picked up? Groceries delivered? The dishes done and the laundry folded? No problem! Your personal assistant has got it covered, so you can focus on the tasks at hand.

Coffee Culture Reimagined: Move over, run-of-the-mill coffee machines. Companies are transforming their coffee culture. In 2023, employees are enjoying a coffee barista on-site. Say goodbye to your regular brew and hello to lattes, cappuccinos, and gourmet coffee concoctions made just for you.

Vacation Time Anytime: Looking to take a few weeks off a year?  Some companies are not only allowing their employees to schedule vacation time as they see fit, but are also offering to cover the cost of flights. But wait, there’s more! Picture this: your company has access to a private island paradise. Yes, you heard that right. Some employers are taking the concept of vacations to the next level by offering employees the opportunity to book a stay on their very own private island. It’s the ultimate escape, and it’s just one more way companies are redefining what it means to prioritize their employees’ well-being.

Time for You: Lastly, and perhaps the most unique of all, some companies are granting employees “time for you” days. On these days, employees can use company resources to pursue personal goals, be it learning a new language, writing a book, or perfecting their dance moves. It’s all about nurturing your passions.

In 2023, employee benefits aren’t just about the basics anymore. Companies are getting creative, putting health and work-life balance at the forefront of their offerings. So, whether you’re an HR professional, a benefits broker, or an employer, consider what benefits you can offer to show appreciation to your workforce.

SEB is Canada’s leader in providing benefits administration solutions to over 400,000 plan members from Canadian companies. You can check out the full suite of SEB’s solutions here.

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