In 2021, SEB Administrative Services Inc. started its journey to become ISO 27001:2013 certified for its Information Security Management System (“ISMS“). On January 7th, 2022, after an 18-month rigorous process, SEB Admin officially earned this certification. Certification of the SEB ISMS means that our customers and partners can expect systematic and ongoing management of information security risks that can affect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of corporate and personal information.
ISO certification requires SEB to conduct and pass annual internal and external audits to include, rigorous assessment of its services, policies, and procedures throughout the organization. Any gaps are identified and action plans are put in place to rectify the situation. In October 2023, SEB Admin completed the annual external audit and passed with no major non-conformances (NC) identified.
Next year, SEB Admin and the Quality Assurance & Information Security (QAIS) team will be working towards certification based on the latest ISO 27001:2022 standards, which includes updated requirements and security controls to further bolster our continuous information security improvements.